The NSW Government’s Environmental Trust has granted Bellinger Landcare Inc $170,000 to help to restore 30 hectares of the shire’s coastal vegetation. 

Stretching along 2.5km of coastline from Mylestom to Tuckers Rock, this area has been disturbed by years of sand mining, vegetation clearing, recreational damage and weed invasion.

Over 4 years, from 2022 – 2025, we’ll be funding professional bush regenerators to undertake weed control and revegetation plantings, and we’ll be supporting our amazing local volunteer groups to keep up their great work. We’ll also be running community education workshops on biodiversity conservation, and partnering with Coffs Harbour & District LALC to run aboriginal cultural understanding field days.

The project area contains three Threatened Ecological Communities: Littoral Rainforest, Swamp Oak Floodplain Forest and Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplain. These ecosystems are home to a number of endangered species and provide important forage for mobile species such as the Grey Headed Flying Fox and Glossy Black Cockatoo.  Weed invasion is a Key Threatening Process that can degrade habitat values and disrupt ecosystem function and controlling invasive plants is a critical part of the rehabilitation process. Restoring this native vegetation will improve connectivity across the landscape and help make these ecosystems more resilient into the future.

How can I get involved?

We encourage members of the public to keep up to date on our Facebook page and website for workshops, events and working bees. We also highly encourage interested members of the public to join a landcare group – you can either turn up to an advertised working bee, or email for information on landcare working bees around the shire.