Landcare volunteering imparts new skills and enables participants to be part of the solution, a chance to reverse some of the damage we have imposed.  We are adding the regular meeting times of our local groups here, and you can find out about these and our other events on our FB events page

If you have no experience or gear at all, just wear sturdy shoes, a hat, sunscreen and insect repellent (for mozzies, and maybe ticks and leeches). 

If you have gloves, or a favourite spade/hand trowel/pruners bring them too. 

Someone will give you a quick safety talk, and sign you in.  


Dandarrga Landcare supports a number of local groups on the Plateau, and runs a fantastic public nursery at the Dorrigo Showgrounds. 

Rocky Creek (with Mountaintop Landcare)

A beautiful site as you drive into Dorrigo from Bellingen, working bees start a bit before 9, every Monday when the weather is ok.  Access is tricky, there’s a dirt track behind a huge dirt mound, just on the Dorrigo side of Rocky Creek Road. Details from Phil-

Dangar Falls

Working bees at the spectacular falls are on Tuesday mornings- contact for details

Bielsdown River Walk

Thursday mornings in Dorrigo town, contact  Nadia –


Wonga Forest (Wuugun)

A beautiful site along a creek, just north of Bellingen Cemetery. Meet every second Sunday of the month, in the cemetery carpark at 8:30am, to get a lift or join the ten minute walk to the site. To be kept up to date in case of weather related changes etc, text Peter (oh four one eight, 220 918) to be added to the text list.

Bellingen/Bat Island (Balawirr)

This group has done amazing work over decades on Bellingen (Bat) Island.  Find them every Tuesday that isn’t too rainy, 11am for morning tea, then hang around and do some low intensity weeding if you like.  But feel free to just come and say hi and check them out.  More info from Ross at

Never Never Catchment Group, Promised Land

Meeting ad hoc on private properties and to do group projects like the carpark opposite Gleniffer Hall.  To join the Never Never group and be on the list for working bees, email Kevin at and Kathryn at 

Hydes Creek Landcare, Hydes Creek (Dunggiirrga)

After several years of rotating working bees on each others properties, the group became the seeds of the Friends of Wonga Forest Group, above. Ad hoc work is still done on the site by Reids Road, contact for details.

Bellingen Urban Landcare

BULC manages several sites in Bellingen town, and rotates working bees around them on various Sundays, from 9:30 to 12:30. Visit their website or FB page for details, or join their email list.


Mylestom- Alma Doepel Park/Surf Club

A small regular working bee operates in this area, contact to find out more.

Mylestom- Johnson Ave (Wiinyjarr-wurunggam)

Meet at the end of the avenue every Monday from 8-10ish am, weather permitting.

Mylestom- Dunes

Just west of the Johnson Ave site is another little group, which meets ad hoc. Contact for details.

Urunga Wetlands (Nyanuum-gaaba)

Come along on the 4th Sunday of the month at 9am and stay for as long as you feel like.  The group usually meets at the fig tree opposite 56 Hillside Drive, and either works along the road, in the western boardwalk, or sometimes down at Station Creek. You can text Kerry (oh four two three 659 700) to be added to the whatsapp list, which send out last minute details of gatherings.

Urunga Lake

A couple of local residents are chipping away at this amazing site, tucked away behind houses, and creating a haven for all manner of birds.  There are no regular working bees but contact Ian on if you would like to come and help. Also known as Bellinger Keys.

Urunga- Station Creek (Nyanuum-warrii)

This little creek joins the wetlands and lagoon, forming a vital biodiversity corridor. Allen ( can provide information about meeting times.  In 2023 with funding from Bellingen Shire Council, and Local Land Services, we were able to employ contractors to remove the invasive, dangerous coral trees and other major weed infestations, and provide hundreds of seedlings to push along the regeneration of the area.

Urunga- Bellingen St 

This new group meets every Wednesday at 8:30am, on the corner of Bellingen St and Crescent Close (near the old Urunga Tourist information centre). Look out for Jenny, the new coordinator. Thanks to Bellingen Shire Council’s Environmental Levy, and Urunga Lions Club, the groups is off to a great start with help from a local bush regenerator.  More